How to find the model number of Asus laptop?

Model number of any laptop usually consists of numbers and letters, and may include a series name. Model number is meant to identify an entire specific line up of laptops, and identical laptops from the same line up will have identical or slightly varying model names. Unlike serial numbers, the model name and number is not unique to each individual laptop.

Method 1 : Using the Printed Product Label

Asus Laptops have labels that are usually found on the back of the laptop or sometimes can be hidden behind a battery or behind another back-side panel like a RAM or HDD door. Unless found on the back cover itself a label with the model number information will be found after removal of the battery on the bottom of the laptop. Please do not confuse a model number with a serial number.

  • Near the keyboard
    Near the keyboard
  • printed on the label at the bottom of the laptop
    Printed on the label at the bottom of the laptop
  • printed on the LCD Bezel
    Printed on the LCD Bezel
  • Printed on the label inside the battery compartment of the laptop
    Printed on the label inside the battery compartment

Example of Asus G51V:

the model number of asus laptop

Method 2 : Using the MyASUS

1. Click "System Info" in the home page.
Check Asus model name from MyASUS

2. The model name will be displayed in the red area as shown below:
Check Asus model name from MyASUS

Method 3 : Using the DXDIAG

1. Input "DXDIAG" in Windows Search bar.
Check Asus model name from DXDiag

2. The model name will be displayed under the BIOS field. (as shown in the red area).
Check Asus model name from DXDiag

Method 4 : Using the System Information

1. Input "System Information" in Windows Search bar.
Check Asus model name from System Information

2. The model name will be displayed as shown in the red area.
Check Asus model name from System Information